Five ways Appture will deliver on your Social Media Strategy: Learning from the best in the game.

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As of this year, there are now over 3 billion social media users around the world – and many brands are implementing the best tactics to use social platforms to their advantage. 

Social media should be a major aspect of a business’ marketing strategy – no matter how big or small your organization is – and, given that it doesn’t have to be a costly investment, you could be missing a big opportunity to reach your target audience. In fact, 64% of sales teams have used social media to hit sales targets – so what are you waiting for? 

Let’s take a look at some of the brands who are taking their social strategy above and beyond:

Using employee advocacy to drive engagement 

One brand that has embraced the social media limelight in new and innovative ways is marketing software company HubSpot. 

As an organization, their belief that outbound salespeople aren’t fundamental to increasing brand awareness has been pivotal – and their focus on inbound marketing was born, as a result. HubSpot’s mentality is that, when marketers within the brand share relevant and beneficial content, sales increase. 

Their presence on social media is noticeable; HubSpot shares tips, step-by-step guide videos, and valuable information with their followers, which their employees then go onto share too. With the use of employee advocacy, they’re not only increasing engagement and reach but also adding to the credibility of their reputation and generating positive exposure to a vast audience. 

Considering 84% of consumers value recommendations from friends and family above all other forms of advertising, employee advocacy should be a tool that all businesses are incorporating into their social strategy. 

View your social media followers as a community 

Next, let’s take a look at sports brand Nike – without a doubt, a force to be reckoned with in the social media world. 

Through the use of video content, working with charities and not shying away from diversity-focused campaigns, the brand is a natural at interacting with their customers through starting conversations on social media. 

Ever heard of #justdoit? Of course, you have – it’s renowned as one of Nike’s taglines, which they’ve used consistently over the years as part of their marketing activity. 

Through this community they’ve created, they’ve been able to become an engaging and credible brand in the sportswear industry – especially through their efforts to cater to each of their target audiences by creating unique pages on its social platforms – such as Nike Skateboarding and Nike Golf. 

The use of consistent and relevant hashtags has been a clear benefit to Nike’s strategy – and one of the biggest lessons we can take to enhance your social strategy.

Draw attention to your work culture  

If you’re looking for a way to use social media to boost the morale of staff, look no further than cloud-based software company Salesforce. 

Their social media is focussed on sharing content relating to employees’ success, and not just sales wins; their social media is engaging and warm, which is a known way to attract new hires to your organization, as well as provide current and prospective customers with a clear insight into your values. With 90% of 18-29 year olds looking to social media to get in contact with potential employers, you’ll be missing a trick if you don’t use the platform as a way to share your brand’s values and mission. 

Authenticity and credibility are key to a strong social media strategy, and the only way to do this is to keep content in-line with your brand’s culture. 

Deliver unforgettable customer service 

When looking for a brand with the most unique and personable tone, Innocent Smoothies undoubtedly stands out. With the right amount of funny and informal posts, whilst still providing valuable information and responses to customers, the drink company is continually growing in popularity. 

However, what other brands can learn and mirror in their own social media strategies, is how Innocent aims to respond to as many tweets from its customers as possible – even if the tweet is unrelated to a product or consumer-related questions. 

With 67% of consumers using social media to find resolutions for their questions or issues with a brand, it’s vital that brands have the steps in place to cater to this. 

PostBeyond is a business that connects your employees to today’s social customer and uses robust analytics to help you measure the impact of employee advocacy on your business. Partnering with leading brands such as Rosetta Stone, Starbucks, and Randstad, PostBeyond has been improving workforces since 2013.
For further information contact PostBeyond via their website here.


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