Machine learning will free up time to be more strategic with accounts in 2020 –

Contributor and SMX speaker, Brooke Osmundson, explains how machine learning is changing our account work and why we need to be smarter about layering our campaign assets in 2020.

Below is the video transcript:

Hi, my name is Brooke Osmundson and I am the associate director of research for NordicClick Interactive. And today I want to talk about the top things that marketers should focus on the most for 2020.

The first thing I want to talk about is machine learning. It’s no secret that it is part of our lives right now, and part of your jobs. But what I’m thinking is going to happen is, it’s going to shift your focus on what you’re doing day-to-day within your accounts. We’re going to see less tactical pieces that we have to focus our time on. And it’s really going to help you be more strategic in your account. So with machine learning, what data can give you, what can it do for you to free up more of your time to start thinking more bigger picture and focus on those bigger picture decisions.

The second piece I want to talk about is audience layering on top of your campaigns with the differences in search or match types. You know they’re kind of not a thing anymore, so we’ve got to be smarter about layering on the assets that we have available to us in our campaigns in order to really reach our right customer based on what we know about them.

This is part of a special feature from our community of experts on what successful marketers will do in 2020. Read more >>

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