Search Engine API’s From Hell.

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Naturally, every process is driven by another one. Modern technology is shaping our lives, the ways we do business and accordingly determines new marketing approaches targeted at boosting success. Hence, it is crucial to be in sync with the requirements of today and what’s more — of tomorrow.
For modern technology, eight years is forever and a day. People used to spend hours on what we can now do with just a few clicks. Back in 2011, Marc Andreessen claimed that software is eating the world, allowing us to establish an interwoven network of separate things and presenting substantial new opportunities for businesses.

Where Are We Now?

Here’s a new suggestion from Niko Köbler: APIs are eating the world! We no longer live in the times of isolated software environments. API (Application Programming Interface) is a significant step forward. One can hardly imagine today’s world without instant messaging, online banking, shopping, or booking. However, we owe all this to APIs as they interpret one software or application to another one.
If we think of a bar, a bartender is an API. When a visitor comes in, he is not allowed to fetch a drink behind the counter. For this, we need the bartender, who knows what beers are on tap and can serve people with a couple of pints.

APIs enable programmers to tap into a world of services with just a few lines of code. Similarly, for SEO-related metrics and reports, APIs simplified things big-time. This has been a real sea change. What’s in it for your business? Let’s dive into it, and, more importantly, figure out how not to drown.

First and Foremost: How to Navigate?

Search engine optimization has become considerably time-taking labor. Nonetheless, to attract more visitors and, as a result, more customers for a company, the website has to climb the search results stairs higher. An appropriate SEO approach is essential to meet this goal.

By all means, you would want to build up a leading SEO strategy and win your place under the sun. SEO software and tools come into play here to give you a hand with this task. They provide access to the necessary data for identifying weak spots that need to be covered, and thus for avoiding getting knocked down by search engines.

However, a comprehensive analysis of vast data volumes for several websites, as an example, requires an all-out effort and a great deal of time. Moreover, an SEO specialist would usually need specific features, and others might be useless for particular research. Therefore, purchasing a ready-made SEO tool proves ineffective. At this point, API solutions become the right direction to look in.

Why Are APIs Making Off-the-Shelf SEO Tools Drown?

Building a custom SEO software of the bright blue seems quite a hideous idea. Why would one want to take a journey through the hell of the backend development process? It means you would face an incredible amount of technical tasks and put yourself or your team through hoops of dealing with complicated methods of searching for and obtaining data. In such a case, spending money, time and resources means struggling to reinvent the wheel when with much less pain, it can be bought ready-made.

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On the other hand, this would provide less flexibility for an SEO toolkit, hampering it to perfectly fit the specific needs of your or your client’s business. Very often it would eventually

Author: Philip Volna

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