SEO Logo – What Should It Tell Your Customer?

seo logo

You might have already noticed (after my color branding, SEO Slogans and branding outside SEO) that I’m particularly interested in overall SEO niche marketing and branding recently – well, that’s all because I am just starting promoting my brand and service and so the topic seems new and exciting to me. Today I am going to share my thoughts and observations on SEO logos and banners.

Now what is the purpose of a company logo?

  • It gives visual representation of a professional SEO company service/product (and thus accounts for its positive associations);
  • It establishes a brand identity (making it unique and memorable).

Most important logo features are:

  • trustworthy (<= professional);
  • catchy/memorable (<= unique);
  • associative/symbolic (=> conveying feelings, and sending a message…);
  • matching the overall design;
  • clean and functional.

How Can SEO Be Graphically Described?

1) It can be represented as ‘growth‘ (e.g. growth in rankings, profit, etc).

Example: SeoDesignSolutions

(Note: I would have made it left-to-right growth though to make look more understandable for US and European people who are believed to think (as well as read) from left to right):

SEO association - ‘growth’

2) Uniqueness (the service that makes you stand out).

Example: SearchEnginePeople:

SEO association - ‘uniqueness’

3) The high quality of the service itself.

Example: a star by AdvanceRankings:

SEO association - ‘high qualiy of the service’

4) High level of professionalism/expertise.

Example: (well, besides myself) SearchEngineJournal:

SEO association - ‘professionalism/expertise’

Except for describing the service itself there are other types:

Type Example URL Example Logo
Abstract graphic symbol graphic symbol
Unique well branded image SearchEngineGuide Unique well branded image
Domain/brand Name ViperChill Domain/brand name

Get Inspiration:

  • 56 Most Creative Logos – lists great examples to follow.
  • Logo collection – another list of creative logos.


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