Drag and Drop Post Designer
Hundreds of options, thousands of searchable images in a simple drag and drop interface to create post content.
Appture is a full-featured social media publishing platform, built to automate your social media content across multiple networks. Import images, videos and rss feeds, lists, publish bulk postings, find influencers and create bulk invitations. Create content, publish links, videos and chat from within a single dashboard. Automate postings from an easy to use Calendar from a single secure dashboard.
Facts are facts. Social media marketing is no longer an experiment, but a marketing must-have. But the challenge is to find a set of tools that help a company manage it all, from integrating social media into their overall digital marketing strategies.
Without Appture™, the task of curating content, managing schedules and promotions, linking actions to results is a time consuming nightmare of constant back and forth, copy, paste and repeat.
Our social media marketing platform enables you to identify the right social media influencer marketing strategy. Search for and invite targeted potential partners. Synchronize outreach,track your campaigns, optimize existing partnerships, measure success and prove social media reach, referral and clickthrough.
Export reports as csv, xls, or pdf to import into presentations. Import lists for invitations and promotion.
Track it all by date, network, reach and ROI.
Hundreds of options, thousands of searchable images in a simple drag and drop interface to create post content.
Daily postings are displayed with thumbnails to show where and what is being posted at a glance.
Multiple users, multiple profiles, multiple networks are no problem here. Track everything, lose nothing.
Powerhouse tools that make managing your Facebook Campaigns a Snap:
SocialEYES™ seamlessely pushes Twitter posts to your followers
so you can focus on the way you nurture, score, and attribute leads:
Plan, collaborate, and publish content that drives engagement and growth:
Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile, SocialEYES™ Delivers:
Monitor reputation and brand reach from a single platform. Use socialEYES™ with EmPACT for email marketing and promotion. Built in integration to Apptify Mobile App platform makes mobile social sharing a snap. Send coupons, promotions and grow your brand, all without needing an external IT department or writing a single line of code.
You could have the best content and strategy in the world, but without engagement, the content has no impact. Use socialEYES™ to grow your audience by running a contest or promotion that asks people to like your Page in exchange for a valuable incentive.
Use social media marketing to promote subscription to your email newsletter, or drive visitors to a gated coupon or incentive that requests their contact information before viewing or downloading.
Live chat from Facebook and Slack make it possible to have direct and instant contact with followers. Use socialEYES™ to create contests and follower contribution pages that allow you to be the ``goto`` across all networks.
Leverage Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram hashtags to drive traffic and track shares and referrals. Use audience data to monetize your social media actions. SocialEYES™ gives your campaign the power to change your social strategies from mere experiments to a Marketing must-have.