Which is Better – Long Form or Short Form Content?

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November 10, 2020

Content is the driving force for all marketing campaigns. Without high-quality, informative, and engaging content, you wouldn’t be able to yield much either from a paid or an organic campaign. However, most marketers are not sure what to focus on when it comes to content – long form or short form. Thus, if you are one of them, then this infographic is for you.

Research shows that 2000+ word count content has a higher chance of ranking well on SERPs. However, factors like content quality, images, content format, etc, also play an important role if you want to achieve that coverted #1 spot on Google. In short, well-optimized content is what you should aim for if you want to boost your ranking and drive traffic.

Coming back to which is better – long form or short form content, well for SEO purposes, long form content tops the list. From helping you build links to increasing dwell time to improving social shares, long form content can do wonders for your SEO campaign. And, if you are still not convinced, then check out this guide that explains in-depth about content length (long form and short form), which will help you make the right decision.

Content Length and Its 10 Factors Affecting SEO [Infographic] by the team at Capsicum Mediaworks


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